Headshot of Kari Miller LCMFT RPT

I am so glad you found Blanket Fort Therapy.  Within a blanket fort there is safety, a feeling of warmth, and a place to dream.  My hope is that you find those same things within your experience at Blanket Fort Therapy.  Here you will experience compassion, a safe place to heal, warm acceptance, and support for your dreams.  

Kari Miller, LCMFT RPT

As a Marriage and Family Therapist, I care about the whole person and the whole family.  Having lived in rural areas for many years, I recognize the challenges in finding quality care.  When I began my training at Friends University, I set out to learn as many specializations as possible to bring back to Southeast Kansas.   I am trained in EMDR which I use with clients that have experienced trauma.  I am also a Registered Play Therapist.  I use play therapy with all ages, but especially employ this with children.  I also enjoy working with individuals, families, and couples.  I view every individual as unique and valuable.  I am full of hope for each client and invite you to borrow some of that hope until we can find your own.

As an individual, I love to read and spend time with my family.  I adore my children, husband, and rescue dog.  My husband is a pastor, and my faith is important to me.  If you wish to discuss faith issues or leave them alone, that is your choice.  You are in charge of your therapy session.  I am honored to hear your story.